Monday, March 30, 2009


If you are diabetic you know this machine very well. You are never without. This is you life support. 

This machine is one of the extra ones we have around the house. My husband uses one of these everyday. Without this he would be in be trouble health wise. He is a Type 2 diabetic. Which is the hardest type to be because of the constant concern of what you have eaten and when you need to eat. The problem with type-2 is your pancreas. The pancreas is still working somewhat where with type 1 the pancreas is dead and will not produce insulin. This is the rub. With my husband he never knows when the pancreas with produce insulin. He is on oral medication that was keeping his blood sugar under control. But, now we are finding out that when he takes it his blood sugar goes too low which is as critical as being too high. So, managing his blood sugar has become a battle. Yesterday was just one of those battles. He was feeling like he was going low so to stop that he drank some fruit juice. Which brought him up to over 200 so then he took half a pill. The pill brought him down some but not enough so he took the second have hoping to stabilize but the problem became his pancreas decided to produce some insulin and started to drop too low. His life becomes a roller coaster ride that could end bad. When he starts to drop the trick becomes finding the right food that will bring his sugar back up and stabilize.  Life is not good when this is happening for him or for me. The point of all of this is have you been checked for diabetes? It is a simple test that is done at your doctor's office. It is quick and easy. Please go and be tested and read up on the symptoms. It could make your life much easier.  Do it for yourself if not for your family.

Remember you life is valuable and should be celebrated. 

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Spring has sprung right?

Brave Pansy 

Good thing daffodils can withstand the cool weather.

It is interesting what a day can bring. Yesterday my husband mowed our lawn just to even it up as it was looking worst for winter wear. He trimmed the edges and cleaned up some errant grass in the flower beds. This morning we even fertilized the trees and bushes around the house. Then the storm blew in knocking over trash cans and anything not nailed down. Soon after the wind started we had a very active snow storm come to town. I really thought that Spring may actually be here. The weather report this morning spewed gloom and doom of rain or snow all week. Yuck. Well, it looks like my activity this week with be with the mall walks. 

Talk to you soon and remember to live your Life in Celebration.

Saturday, March 28, 2009




Here in Utah the place to be is at your local mall, just ask any teenager. Did I say teenager? We all know every teenager in the state cruise the mall. The teenagers are there to check each other out, catching up with friends from school, browsing the stores for what's new, and finally have something to eat and drink. Walk any mall in America and that is what you would see at 3 or 4 o clock in the afternoon.
Things are much different if you were to show up at the mall at 7:00 a.m. You don't use the main doors you enter thru you use the employee's entrance and walk down a hallway to enter the main mall. When you get to the main part of the mall you would often stake out your chair to leave your jacket at this time of the year. The place can be packed with walkers who are well over the age of 60. There are often couple walking together often times more than not holding hands as they walk their laps. Small packs of women together talking about grandchildren. 
The first time I had went to mall to walk for my exercise was about 2 years ago. I was quite surprised to see so many people there. The majority of walker are the seniors you see in the photos up above. Most of them get an early start and then spend the rest of the morning drinking coffee and visiting with their friends. The the local mall is the new senior center. Most of these people are well dress for taking laps. The women have all their makeup in place with hair done and well doused with their favorite scent. 
I have seen many people at many different levels of mobility and what always amazes me is that they are there almost everyday. The walkers may walk only one or two rounds and it could take them 30 minutes or more. There are a couple of seniors there who can only get around with a walker. They are there everyday taking 40 to 50 step then sitting down to rest before they continue. I would think the walking is the one thing that keeps them going everyday and the one thing that drags them out of bed each morning is the social interaction. 
What a great thing the malls across the country are doing for the community. Don't get me wrong it is not all seniors there are all kinds. There are many mothers pushing strollers, regular outdoor walkers (only when the weather is to bad to be outside), co-workers, and people like me not quite the age but too near for a mental comfort. There is a women who walks there often and my guess is that she must be close to her mid to late 70's. Not only can she keep up with me she can pass me. I want to grow up and be her. She looks fantastic and seems to be in great shape. 
My goal is to become a mall rat and walk as many days a week I can. I might even be able to check out the merchandise if I am not dragging. While I am at it I might even get to listen to everyone of the over 800 iTunes on my iPod. I am on song number 47. Wonder how long I will be at it before I even get halfway. I will let you know when it is. So, mark your calender and I will let you know when I reach that milestone. 

Let's all be walkers before we need a walker. But, always remember what ever your level of activity live your Life in Celebration

Thursday, March 26, 2009






My friend Patty and I decided we would try out a cooking class at Sur La Table. After careful deliberation we decided upon a class called Earth-Friendly Dinner Party. The menu was as follows:

  • Fennel and Turnip Crudites with Fennel Salt
  • Butternut Squash and Sage Soup with Sage Breadcrumbs
  • Light Homemade Chicken Stock
  • Roast Chicken with Rosemary-Garlic Paste
  • Sauteed Kale with Smoked Paprika
  • Chunky Jerusalem Artichoke and Potato Mash
  • Pears in Honey and Pine Nut Caramel with Artisanal Cheese

The meal was wonderful. Patty and me made two dishes the chicken and the pears in honey. I don't often roast a chicken but it was far easier and quicker than I thought and I learned some things on how to butterfly a whole chicken and what to look for when purchasing a whole chicken. The chicken turned out moist and flavorful. When we started on the pears dish I would have never thought all the ingredients would work together. The tartness of the cheese and sweetness of the pears with the honey really worked well together they offset each other. 

The class was very informative as I learned new knife skills and difference between salts and how they change the flavor of a dish. This is the first cooking class I have ever taken and I am really looking forward to the next class. Patty and me are looking at the schedule and deciding on which one to take next. We are even thinking of even taking our husbands. There is a cooking class called Date Night and we thought if we could talk our husbands into going we may all really enjoy it. 

It was so much fun sharing and enjoying Life in Celebration.

Monday, March 23, 2009



This is the view of the driving range at Sunbrook Golf Course in St. George. This is how the morning started out yesterday blue skies, sunshine, NO wind and a hope for more of the same. 

Let's start from the beginning. I had entered into the Utah State Winterchamps Tournament in St. George, Utah over the weekend. The first day of the tournament was glorious. The sun was shinning no wind to speak of and I played the best round of golf in over a year. My drives were going around 24o yards, the approach shots were either on the green or close by, my chipping was fantastic, and the putts were dropping like the ball knew where it needed to go. All was good! I came in on the first day leading my flight. What I was happy about was that I played well for the first time for what seemed like a long time. I knew on Saturday afternoon that Sunday would be a new day and a whole new ball game. 
Sunday started out just beautiful. The weather broadcasters were spewing gloom and doom. We all dressed for the rain and cold we were told to come. Waking up you could see the moon and stars (the wake-up call was for 5:15 a.m.). Upon arriving at the golf course there wasn't a cloud in the sky, no wind and no gloom. Many of us felt we had over dressed in long pants, turtlenecks, sweaters and rain gear. The first four holes were a golfers dream sunshine and warming weather. On the fifth hole it was like someone put the whole course in a wind tunnel. The wind started blowing so hard you could hardly stand still over your ball to swing at it. You had to aim 40 to 50 yards into the wind from your target. The wind had up rooted so many tumble weeds you had to play dodge ball with them on the putting green. One member of our foursome was tending the pin and we did not notice this behemoth of a tumble weed come onto the green and in rammed her in the backside. The darn thing was as big as she was. If any of you know anything about tumble weeds you know they are as prickly as a rose or more so. They have thousands of very sharp thorns that break off very easily and stick to what every they catch onto. Well needless to say her butt was full of thorns. The poor things could feel them for the rest of the round. I can honestly say it felt like it was one of the longest rounds of golf I had played. Playing in the wind that gusting up to 5o mph is fatiguing. The round did not go so well for me. I played okay but not like I had played on Saturday. I made some par's and a few boggies but not enough pars to keep me in the lead. I finished tied for third. 
All said and done I don't feel bad about my finish I can honestly say I had a great time, made some fantastic shots and made some new friends. Golf is what you make it as with any sport. You can make it hard harsh or you can make it an enjoyable time to do your best where you savor your victors and greet your losses.  Golf is a pass time and a hobby not your life. 

Remember live you LIFE IN CELEBRATION.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The victims of a great time. Too much food, too much booze, too much fun. It was great spending time with you all and we will have to do it again next year at the same time and same place. 

There was a lot of Celebration of Life.

Monday, March 16, 2009


The Sisters
Norma and Nicky

My two older sisters came down and spent a few days with me at our vacation home. It was really nice to spend the time with them. Almost two years has past since the last time we had spent more than a few hours together. It was nice talking and reminiscing about our youth and our parents. One of the things I have to say is that the stories didn't really change but the people telling them have. It is a little discerning to see how much time has passed and the effects it has on all of us. When talking I don't see my oldest sister Norma being 70 years old or the second oldest Nicky who is 67 years old or me being 56 years old. In my minds eye I see the sisters much younger than they are. I don't see the gray hair or the wrinkles on either one of us. It is somewhat a shock for me to really accept that they are reaching such an age. It was a little upsetting to see that my oldest sister is not getting around a well as she has in the past. My sister Nicky is worried about her shuffling. I saw some of that while we were out shopping. I also saw that her asthma is still something to be dealt with. The asthma and advancing age is probably the reason of the the shuffle. It really saddens me to think that my sisters are getting on in years and they are starting to slow down. 
All that really mattered was that I had a fantastic visit and they seemed to have a good time also. We played golf, shopped, decorated the kitchen, went out to dinner and spent time together. It was wonderful to reconnect with them.

Time passes very quickly and we all need to not take the people around us for granted. We need to grasp each and every minute and live our Life in Celebration.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A tree in our yard. 

I know there are many people who would love to just see the blue sky. But come on where is Spring. I am really ready for a few spring flowers poking their heads out of the grown with a promise of things to come. I think the south side of our yard which is protected by a high fence has not been uncovered by snow for months. I am antsy to go to the local nursery to pick out those new summers plants to grow in flower beds.  I am also looking forward to the 120 new bulbs I planted last fall. I hope that I had given them enough bulb food for them to blossom. When I get back next week  I hope to see some activity maybe a daffodil or two ready to show me their faces.

Remember even though the weather is cold and not so sunny and warm there is still reason to live your Life in Celebration.

Monday, March 9, 2009


You are looking at four individuals who have one very fine thing in common. They are good friends. The picture was taken on July 4Th 2008. This was one of the first times we had gotten together. We had gone to a BBQ and fireworks at the local recreation center it was our first community event and invited us to join them.  At first as with any new relationship there is a discovery period, ask questions feeling each other out and testing boundaries.  We discovered we like Stacy and David and looked forward to getting to know them. 
It is now 8 months after the first outing in July and I feel that we have made friends for the rest of our lives. We look forward to our trips down south so that we can share a cup of coffee or friendly dinner around the table. We are planning meet in San Francisco for fleet week. They are getting ready to head home in the next few days and I know I will miss them both once they are gone. It will not be the same going down south and not have Stacy and David's friendly smile to greet us. I will miss the little chats over the fence, the dinners at our house, the discussions about houses, the little shopping trips, the sharing of what we bought and what our plans are for decorating. 

They are what you would call Snow Birds and the urge to return to their summer home is growing strong. They are planning on returning in the next week and we just wanted to let them know we will miss them and are counting the days when we will have a chance to get together again.

My you live your Life in Celebration

Monday, March 2, 2009


This past week I have been in Denver for my husband's father's funeral. I have never seen sorrow as I had with my husband. It was the deep heart retching kind that crumbles you making you smaller than you are. My husband had a special relationship with his dad. 
I know my he will miss him every day. 

I had never been to a military grave yard. I guess what made me stop and think was that for as far as the eye could see there were these white marble headstones. Each and everyone one of them is a resting place for someone who either lost his live at war or gave a portion of his life protecting our way of living. It was very humbling to me to wonder through the site and read the names. Many of them have passed in the last five years. Many of them were the age of my husbands father serving in WWII and Korea. One never thinks about the multitude of men who have served our country with pride and dedication. We hear about the numbers but you never really have a clue of the number until you see something like I saw at Fort Logan in Colorado. This is only one of the many military cemeteries around the country that are filled with men and women how have given a slice of their life to this country. 
Fort Logan has 16 burials a day five days a week all year long. When you do the math it is staggering the number of military how are passing on a daily basis. If there is a military cemetery near you go and wander through the site and read some of the names. It puts a lot of things into perspective. 
This was the final dedication to a fallen soldier it was given with pride and received with pride.