Spring has sprung right?

Brave Pansy

Good thing daffodils can withstand the cool weather.

It is interesting what a day can bring. Yesterday my husband mowed our lawn just to even it up as it was looking worst for winter wear. He trimmed the edges and cleaned up some errant grass in the flower beds. This morning we even fertilized the trees and bushes around the house. Then the storm blew in knocking over trash cans and anything not nailed down. Soon after the wind started we had a very active snow storm come to town. I really thought that Spring may actually be here. The weather report this morning spewed gloom and doom of rain or snow all week. Yuck. Well, it looks like my activity this week with be with the mall walks.
Talk to you soon and remember to live your Life in Celebration.
If you got the same wind that was here in Reno all day yesterday and last night, I sympathize. We didn't get the snow......I would have been so depressed if we did. Stacy