If you look closely you can see my counter.

Some of you know I am the treasurer for the Utah State Women's Golf Association. There is not a day that goes by that I don't have something going on that has to do with the USWGA. Looking at the mess on my counter you can see there is a lot going on. We just finished with our Spring Open and not more than one day went by before I started with the entries for the State Best Ball Tournament. We also started a Nine Hole Team League last year and this year they are required to join our organization if they want to compete. Well, this year they had to pay an membership dues and I received all of their dues this last week as this week is their first match. So, all of this whining is all about that I have been very busy and unable to write in my blog. I feel kind of guilty I have fallen down in getting a posting done if not everyday at least a couple time a week. I still have several things I want to share with you and I will get to them in the near future. Just want you to understand that I have not stopped just haven't made the time to get here and share with you what is going on. So many thing so little time.
Tomorrow I will share the weight loss update. So, stay tuned and remember to live your Life in Celebration.
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