My husband and I went to the mountain town of Heber, about 45 minutes from Salt Lake and spent the weekend golfing and spending time with friends.

This is Wasatch Mountain Golf Course. It was a beautiful day, blue blue skies, white puffy clouds and a soft breeze. Who could ask for more.
A fantastic shot and he is counting his money from the other men he is playing against. In the end no one really won. We just had a wonderful day of playing and visiting. The hot dogs at the turn were really good and they were quite hot as I burned my toung (this spelling looks really odd to me but my husband said it was correct). We also had to have a couple of samples of my pint of rum my husband brought back from his trip to Australia. That also burned like fire as we all took a swig from the bottle with a sip of a diet coke as chaser.

Waiting for the BBQ dinner at our friends campsite located near the golf course. We had chicken, brats, ribs, salad and smores to finish it all off.

Did I mentioned we had music playing some of our favorites. This is three of the men playing in the airband. There was a lot of this airband thing. We do have a short movie of the band with sound. I have been thinking YouTube maybe Facebook. What do you think? My husband is the one taking the picture. Smart man.

Did I fail to mention there was lots and lots of this. One of the best things about the night was the alcohol induced planning. We all decided we were going to Ireland. The men off to watch The Open (that is the Scottish Open for those of us not in the know) and the women staying in Ireland visiting a friend who bought a cottage there. Can you believe it a sudden trip to Ireland, a place that I have always wanted to visit. I know this would be a trip above all other trips that I have taken. The excitement has gotten to all of us. We divided up responsibilities to make this happen. We are all excited and ready to go.

The Blue Boar Inn
We had the Robert Frost Room. It was very lovely.
We woke up to a bright and sunny day with some harsh realities. First of all, we drank way too much and I know I was really dragging. Second, did we really make plans to go to Ireland. What fun!
Well, the light of day and the checking of calendars has left us here in the U.S. for the summer. No trips to Ireland for us. But, what fun planning. It was great just thinking about going and all of the things we wanted to see and do.
It is not the trip, it is the excitement of the possibility of the trip.
Dreams are what Life in Celebration is all about.
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