As you can see the poor tree has a health problem. You may remember the yard reworking. While I was putting the weed barrier down I noticed the problem. This little tree in our front yard has had a very rough life. When the builders installed the front yard they brought in this Canada Maple and left it on the ground with it's root ball exposed during the heat of the summer for several days. When they planted it the poor thing never really got a good start. We would give it extra water, fertilizer, bracing stakes, and a lot of attention. Nothing seemed to be working. The tree was in the ground for about ten years with no major change in growth. A friend told us about this miracle hormone for plants. After three years of feeding the trees with this hormone (Super Thrive) the trees have doubled in size. I will have to tell you I did threaten this one tree that if it did not start growing I was going to rip it out of the ground and plant something that will grow. So, to tell the truth I don't know if it was the threat or the plant hormone. My money is on the hormone but, you never know.
So, after many years of tender loving care and a little threatening the tree has started to really take off we find the tree has been invaded by some horrible pest. BORES! I took this picture down to the local nursery and had the specialist look it over and give me the solution to fix it. Had to use a fairly harsh pesticide with a tree paint to rid our little tree of it's pests.
I hope this will work because I know I don't want to replace the tree now it has become apart of the family. It is really gratifying to see that it is growing and doing well after all of the care.
I hope my tree has Life in Celebration.
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